• Very full body with an earthy undertone. While most coffees are named after the country, or growing region, where it is farmed and harvested, Mandheling coffee is named after the Mandheling People that traditionally farmed and processed the coffee beans. Varies from robust full body with a deep complex flavor, low-toned acidity and a lingering sweet finish — one of the world’s most-desired coffees. The herbal, spicy flavors will linger on your tongue while the earthy, rich aroma fills the air.
  • We choose Sumatra as our decaf because of the full flavor this coffee offers. Earthy and full-flavored with low acidity and, of course, no caffeine (Truly, all decaf-rated coffees have a trace 2% caffeine).Medium/Dark Roast
  • One of our signature blends highlighting our partnership with the Chittagong Hill Tract farmers. This blend of Chittagong and imported coffees is a true experience as very few people around the world have yet to taste this new coffee. Here we celebrate NORTH END’s investment in the lives of indigenous farmers to promote coffee farming in Bangladesh. Medium Roast

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